Right to Participate in Government 372.
Finally, in light of the central role that democratic principles
and institutions play in the inter-American system, mention must be made
of the right to participate in government, prescribed in both Article XX
of the American Declaration[860]
and Article 23 of the American Convention.[861]
As this Commission has long recognized and as historical experience in
this Hemisphere has demonstrated, governments derived from the will of
the people, expressed in free elections, are those that provide the
soundest guarantee that the basic human rights will be observed and
So significant have OAS member states considered the right to
representative government for the foundation of human rights protections
that it is counted among those rights that may not be suspended, even in
states of emergency.[863]
Under all circumstances, therefore, including during times of
armed conflict, member states must ensure for their citizens the
political rights and opportunities prescribed under the inter-American
human rights instruments, subject only to such regulations that may be
based upon age, nationality, residence, language, education, civil and
mental capacity, or sentencing by a competent court in criminal
proceedings. Indeed, it is only through the protection of these rights
that the effective protection through the rule of law of fundamental
freedoms can be guaranteed. As the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
has observed, “[i]n a democratic society, the rights and freedoms
inherent in the human person, the guarantees applicable to them and the
rule of law form a triad. Each component thereof defines itself,
complements and depends on the others for its meaning.“[864]
Of particular pertinence to full and free participation in elections and
other democratic activities, states should avoid legislation
that broadly criminalizes the public defense (apologia) of
terrorism or of persons who might have committed terrorist acts without
requiring an additional showing of incitement to lawless violence or to
any other similar action should be avoided.[865]
The rights and freedoms canvassed above are among the additional,
though by no means exhaustive, human rights protections which may have
significant implications for the means and methods employed by states
against terrorism. The Commission wishes to emphasize in this respect
the overriding significance of the principles of necessity,
proportionality, humanity and non-discrimination in all circumstances in
which states purport to place limitations on the fundamental rights and
freedoms of persons under their authority and control.
Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers, Refugees and other Non-Nationals 375.
Among those persons most vulnerable to human rights violations in
the development and execution of counter-terrorist measures are persons
who find themselves in the territory of a state of which they are not
nationals, including migrant workers, refugees and those seeking asylum
from persecution. Experience indicates that states’ domestic and
international initiatives in fighting terrorism often have a direct and
negative impact on the rights and interests of non-nationals. For
example, as part of their anti-terrorism strategies, states frequently
use their immigration laws to arrest, detain and deport non-nationals,
adopt new and more restrictive immigration control measures that further
limit the conditions under which non-nationals may enter or remain in
the states’ territory, and gather and share private information
concerning non-nationals. Some of these measures arise from states’
commitments under multinational anti-terrorism instruments, which
frequently address matters such as cooperation on border control, mutual
legal assistance, and conditions for denying refugee status,[866]
but which should not, as noted below, be interpreted or applied in a
manner inconsistent with states’ human rights obligations. 376.
In this context, the Commission considered it instructive to
include a separate section in this report addressing several fundamental
human rights as they pertain to non-nationals in the context of
anti-terrorist strategies,[867]
in particular the right to personal liberty and security, the right to
humane treatment, the right to due process and to a fair trial, and the
obligation to respect and ensure, non-discrimination and the right to
judicial protection. This analysis should be considered to supplement
the generally-applicable protections canvassed in the previous chapters
of this report.
At the outset, the Commission wishes to emphasize the fact that
OAS member states have undertaken through Article 15 of the
Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism the obligation to ensure
that the measures carried out by the states parties under that
Convention shall take place with full respect for the rule of law, human
rights, and fundamental freedoms, and that nothing in the Convention
shall be interpreted as affecting other rights and obligations of states
and individuals under international law, including international refugee
This provision is consistent with the Commission’s previous
observation that, when interpreting and applying the provisions of
inter-American human rights instruments, it is both appropriate and
necessary to take into account member states’ obligations under other
international treaties. These include instruments of particular
pertinence to non-nationals, including the Vienna Convention on Consular
the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees[870]
and its Additional Protocol,[871]
and the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of
Racial Discrimination.[872]
Many of the norms and principles under these treaties also reflect and
form part of developments in the corpus of international human rights
law more broadly that are properly taken into account in evaluating
states’ human rights obligations in the inter-American system. 1.
Right to Personal Liberty and Security 378.
As noted in Part III(B) above, this Commission, like other
international human rights bodies, has recognized that the deprivation
of an individual’s liberty may be justified in connection with the
administration of state authority beyond the investigation and
punishment of crimes where measures of this nature are strictly
necessary. Such circumstances have been held to include, for example,
detention in the context of controlling the entry and residence of
non-nationals in a state’s territory and confinement for reasons
relating to physical or mental health.[873]
While deprivations of liberty may be permissible in situations of this
nature, the Commission has emphasized that any such detention must in
all circumstances comply with the requirements of preexisting domestic
and international law. As described above, these include the requirement
that the detention be based on the grounds and procedures clearly set
forth in the constitution or other law and that it be demonstrably
necessary, fair and non-arbitrary. Prolonged incommunicado detention is
prohibited; rather, detention
for any extended period must be subject to supervisory judicial control
without delay and, in instances when the state has justified continuing
detention, at reasonable intervals.[874]
Additionally, the Commission has stated that immigration
legislation must recognize the right to liberty of non-nationals,
subject, however, to the qualifications discussed below concerning
situations of international armed conflict. The grounds and procedures
by which non-nationals may be deprived of their liberty should define
with sufficient detail the basis for such action, and the State should
always bear the burden of justifying a detention. Moreover, authorities
should have a very narrow and limited margin of discretion, and
guarantees for the revision of the detention should be available at a
minimum in reasonable intervals.[875]
In the case of asylum seekers in particular, the Commission notes
that detention or other restrictions on the movement of asylum seekers
are permitted only as exceptions under applicable refugee and human
rights law, and then only pursuant to law and subject to due process
Measures aimed at the automatic detention of asylum seekers are
therefore impermissible under international refugee protections. They
may also be considered arbitrary and, depending upon the characteristics
of persons affected by any such restrictions, potentially discriminatory
under international human rights law. 381.
Where the arrest, commitment to prison or custody pending trial,
or detention in any other manner of foreign nationals outside of
situations of armed conflict is concerned, international jurisprudence,
including that of the inter-American human rights system, has recognized
the importance of compliance with international obligations aimed at
protecting the particular interests of foreign nationals. These
obligations include the requirements of Article 36 of the Vienna
Convention on Consular Relations, which provides: 1.
With a view to facilitating the exercise of consular functions
relating to nationals of the sending State: (a)
consular officers shall be free to communicate with nationals of
the sending State and to have access to them. Nationals of the sending
State shall have the same freedom with respect to communication with and
access to consular officers of the sending State;
if he so requests, the competent authorities of the receiving
State shall, without delay, inform the consular post of the sending
State if, within its consular district, a national of that State is
arrested or committed to prison or to custody pending trial or is
detained in any other manner. Any communication addressed to the
consular post by the person arrested, in prison, custody or detention
shall also be forwarded by the said authorities without delay. The said
authorities shall inform the person concerned without delay of his
rights under this sub-paragraph; (c)
consular officers shall have the right to visit a national of the
sending State who is in prison, custody or detention, to converse and
correspond with him and to arrange for his legal representation. They
shall also have the right to visit any national of the sending State who
is in prison, custody or detention in their district in pursuance of a
judgment. Nevertheless, consular officers shall refrain from taking
action on behalf of a national who is in prison, custody or detention if
he expressly opposes such action. 2.
The rights referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be
exercised in conformity with the laws and regulations of the receiving
State, subject to the proviso, however, that the said laws and
regulations must enable full effect to be given to the purposes for
which the rights accorded under this Article are intended.[877]
These provisions have been described as establishing an
interrelated regime designed to facilitate the implementation of the
system of consular protection of foreign nationals in states party to
the treaty.[878]
Under this regime, a state party is obliged to inform foreign nationals
who are detained in any manner by that state, whether criminal,
administrative or otherwise, of their right to have the consulate of
their state notified of the detainees’ circumstances and the
detainee’s right to communicate with his or her consulate. In the
realm of international human rights law, the right to consular
notification has been recognized as significant to the due process and
other rights of detainees by, for example, providing potential
assistance with various defense measures such as legal representation,
gathering of evidence in the country of origin, verifying the conditions
under which the legal assistance is provided and observing the
conditions under which the accused is being held while in prison.[879]
Accordingly, the Commission considers compliance with the consular
notification requirements under the Vienna Convention on Consular
Relations to constitute a fundamental aspect of guaranteeing to
non-nationals the right to personal liberty and security and, as
discussed below, the right to due process and to a fair trial. 383. In the particular situation of international armed conflicts, however, it must be recognized that the regime of international humanitarian law governing such conflicts includes detailed provisions governing the detention of combatants, as discussed in Parts II(C) and III(B) above. These include, for example, mechanisms by which detailed information concerning prisoners of war is to be gathered and provided to the concerned parties to the conflict and to next of kin.[880] In the Commission’s view, therefore, this specialized regime should be referred to as the applicable lex specialis in interpreting and applying the right to personal liberty and security of detained combatants in situations of international armed conflict.
American Declaration, supra note 63, Article XX (“Every
person having legal capacity is entitled to participate in the
government of his country, directly or through his representatives,
and to take part in popular elections, which shall be by secret
ballot, and shall be honest, periodic and free”). [861]
American Convention on Human Rights, supra
note 61, Article 23 (“1. Every citizen shall enjoy the following
rights and opportunities: a. to take part in the conduct of public
affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives; b. to
vote and to be elected in genuine periodic elections, which shall be
by universal and equal suffrage and by secret ballot that guarantees
the free expression of the will of the voters; and c. to have
access, under general conditions of equality, to the public service
of his country. 2. The law may regulate the exercise of the rights
and opportunities referred to in the preceding paragraph only on the
basis of age, nationality, residence, language, education, civil and
mental capacity, or sentencing by a competent court in criminal
proceedings”). [862]
See, e.g., IACHR, Report
on El Salvador (1978), supra
note 27, Chapter IX; IACHR, Report on Paraguay (1987), supra
note 139, Chapter VII. [863]
American Convention on Human Rights, supra
note 61, Article 27(2). [864]
Advisory Opinion OC-8/87, supra
note 147, para. 35. See similarly
Advisory Opinion OC-6/86, supra
note 836, para. 24; Advisory Opinion OC-9/87, supra
note 342, para. 37; Advisory Opinion OC-8/87, supra
note 147, paras. 20, 40. [865]
See supra, Part III(E),
para. 325. [866]
See, e.g.,
Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism, supra note 8. [867]
For these reasons, as noted in Part I(C) above, this Chapter has
been included as a variation to the rights-based approach otherwise
followed in this report. See supra, Part I(C), [868]
See also supra, Part
II(B), paras. 45. 46. [869]
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, supra note 124. [870]
UN Convention on the Status of Refugees, supra note 120. [871]
UN Protocol on the Status of Refugees, supra note 121. [872]
International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial
Discrimination, supra
note 123. [873]
Ferrer-Mazorra et al.
Case, supra note 114,
para. 210. [874]
Ferrer-Mazorra et al.
Case, supra note 114,
para. 212. See similarly
UNHRC, Communication Nº 560/1993, CCPR/C/59/D/560/1993, 30 April
1997, para. 9.4. [875]
Ferrer-Mazorra et al.
Case, supra note 114,
paras. 212–213, 219-221, 226, 228, 230. [876]
UN Convention on the Status of Refugees, supra
note 120, Article 26 (“Each Contracting State shall accord to
refugees lawfully in its territory the right to choose their place
of residence and to move freely within its territory subject to any
regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same
circumstances”). See also Ferrer-Mazorra et
al. Case, supra note
114, [877]
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, supra
note 124, Article 36. [878]
LaGrand Case, supra
note 348, para.
74. [879]
See Advisory Opinion
OC-16/99, supra note 129,
paras. 56, 57. Other international authorities have similarly
recognized the importance of facilitating consular assistance for
the protection of foreign nationals under any form of arrest,
detention or imprisonment. See
UN Body of Principles on Detention or Imprisonment, supra
note 335, Principle 16(2) (providing that “[i]f a detained or
imprisoned person is a foreigner, he shall also be promptly informed
of his right to communicate by appropriate means with a consular
post or the diplomatic mission of the State of which he is a
national or which is otherwise entitled to receive such
communication in accordance with international law or with the
representative of the competent international organization, if he is
a refugee or is otherwise under the protection of an
intergovernmental organization”); ICTY Rules of Detention, supra
note 349, Rule 65; Declaration on the human rights of individuals
who are not nationals of the country in which they live, supra
note 349, Article 10. [880]
See, e.g., Third Geneva
Convention, supra note
67, Articles 122, 123. |