1906 (XXXII-O/02) HUMAN
at the fourth plenary session THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, REAFFIRMING the principles and purposes of the Charter of the
Organization of American States and the Charter of the United Nations; NOTING
that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, without distinction of any
kind such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, and
that this applies in all circumstances in accordance with
International Law; REITERATING
that all persons are equal before the law and have the rights and duties
established in the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man,
without distinction as to race, sex,
language, creed, or any other factor; REAFFIRMING that States may
not renounce their duty to fully respect human rights and fundamental
freedoms in all cases in the fight against terrorism; TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the resolution of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights “Terrorism and Human Rights” of December
12, 2001; and WELCOMING the decision of the Inter-American Commission on Human
Rights to prepare a report on terrorism and human rights designed to
assist OAS member states in adopting laws, regulations, and other
measures against terrorism, in keeping with their international
commitments in the area of human rights, RESOLVES: 1. To reiterate that the fight against terrorism must be waged with
full respect for the law, human rights, and democratic institutions, so
as to preserve the rule of law, freedoms, and democratic values in the
Hemisphere. 2.
To reaffirm the duty of the member states to ensure that all
measures taken to combat terrorism are in keeping with obligations under
international law. 3.
To call upon member states, in particular within their respective
national frameworks and in conformity with international commitments in
the field of human rights, to enhance their cooperation with a view to
bringing terrorists to justice. 4. To request that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights present its report on terrorism and human rights to the Permanent Council for its consideration, if possible, in 2002. [ TABLE OF CONTENTS | PREVIOUS ] |