D. Status of compliance with the recommendations of the IACHR
compliance with the decisions of the Inter-American Commission is
essential for ensuring that human rights have full force in the OAS
member states, and for helping strengthen the Inter-American system
for the protection of human rights. With that in mind, the IACHR, in
this section, analyzes the status of compliance with the
recommendations in the reports adopted by the Commission in the last
two years.
To that end,
the OAS General Assembly, through resolution AG/RES. 1890 (XXXII-O/02)
on Evaluation
of the Workings of the Inter-American System for the Protection and
Promotion of Human Rights with a View to its Improvement and
Strengthening, urged the member states to make their best efforts to
follow up on the recommendations of the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights (operative paragraph 3.c), and to continue to take
appropriate action in connection with the annual reports of the Court
and the Commission, in the framework of the Permanent Council and the
General Assembly of the Organization, and to study possible means to
address the state of compliance with the judgments of the Court and
the observance of the recommendations of the Commission
by the member states of the Organization (operative paragraph
Both the
Convention (Article 41) and the Statute of the Commission (Article 18)
explicitly grant the IACHR the authority to request information from
the member states and to produce such reports and recommendations as
it considers advisable. Specifically, Article 46 of the IACHR Rules of
Procedure, which took effect on May 1, 2001, provides the following:
Once the Commission has published a report on a friendly
settlement or on the merits in which it has made recommendations, it
may adopt the follow-up measures it deems appropriate, such as
requesting information from the parties and holding hearings in order
to verify compliance with friendly settlement agreements and its
The Commission shall report on progress in complying with those
agreements and recommendations as it deems appropriate.
Similarly, the
General Assembly approved resolution AG/RES.
1894 (XXXII-O/02), Observations
and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights, invited the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights to consider the possibility of continuing to include in
its annual reports information on the follow-up of its recommendations
by the states, and to review, with a view to their improvement, the
criteria and indicators on that subject in the report for this year.
In compliance
with its powers under the Convention and the Statute and with the
above-cited resolutions, and pursuant to Article 46 of its Rules of
Procedure, the IACHR requested information from the states on
compliance with the recommendations made in the reports published on
individual cases included in its annual reports for 2000 and 2001. The
Commission also decided to include on its web page (www.cidh.org) a
copy of the responses from the member states in cases where they
expressly requested that this be done.
The table the
Commission is presenting includes the status of compliance with the
recommendations made by the IACHR in the cases that have been decided
and published in the last two years. The IACHR notes that compliance
with different recommendations is meant to be successive and not
immediate and that some recommendations require a reasonable time to
be fully implemented. The table, therefore, presents the current
status of compliance, which the Commission acknowledges as being a
dynamic process that may evolve continuously. From that perspective,
the Commission evaluates whether or not compliance with its
recommendations is complete and not whether it has been started. In
this section, the IACHR has tried to assemble the comments made by the
representatives of different member states upon presentation of the
Annual Report for 2001.
The three
categories included in the table are the following:
- total
compliance (those cases in which the state has fully complied with all
the recommendations made by the IACHR. Having regard to the principles
of effectiveness and fully observed those recommendations where the
state has begun and satisfactorily completed the procedures for
- partial
compliance (those cases in which the state has partially observed the
recommendations made by the IACHR either by having complied with only
one or some of them or through incomplete compliance with all of
- compliance
pending (those cases in which the IACHR considers that there has been
no compliance with the recommendations because no steps have been
taken in that direction; because the state has explicitly indicated
that it will not comply with the recommendations made; or because the
state has not reported to the IACHR and the Commission has no
information from other sources that would suggest otherwise).
11.307 – Report Nº 103/01, María Merciadri de Morini (Argentina)
Report Nº
103/01 was approved by the Commission on October 11, 2001 to report on
the friendly settlement reached with respect to a petition challenging
the application of Law 24.012 (the “Quota Act”) and its
implementing decree, which concerned the placement of women candidates
on the ballot. In its
report, the Commission concluded that the information analyzed
demonstrated that the matter had been settled in accordance with
respect for the principles of the American Convention.
That information included the text of Decree Nº 1246, issued
to remedy the problem complained of and ensure the efficacy of Law
24.012, and the terms of the friendly settlement agreement signed by
the parties in the presence of the Executive Secretary of the
Commission, indicating that both parties considered the matter to have
been fully resolved through the enactment of Decree Nº 1246.
The Commission recognized the important efforts of both parties
to work toward the free and full participation of women in public
life, a priority for our hemisphere, and indicated its satisfaction
with the settlement.
12.067, 12.068 and 12.086 – Report Nº 48/01, Michael
Edwards, Omar Hall, Brian Schroeter and Jeronimo Bowleg
Report Nº 48/01 dated April 4, 2001, the Commission recommended that
the State:
November 8, 2002, the Commission wrote to both the State and the
Petitioners and requested up-dated information concerning compliance
with the Commission’s Recommendations in Report Nº 48/01. The State
has not informed the Commission as to its compliance with the
Commission’s recommendations in Report
Nº 48/01. On December 18, 2002, the Petitioners in Case 12.067,
Michael Edwards, wrote to the Commission and informed it that they had
written to the Attorney General of The Bahamas asking what steps the
State would be taking in response to the Commission’s findings and
recommendations. To date they are still awaiting a response from the
Attorney General of The Bahamas concerning the same. On December 18,
2002, the Petitioner in Case 12.062, Omar Hall, wrote to the
Commission and informed it that despite enquiries made to the Bahamian
Government, she has not received any information concerning what steps
the State has taken to commute Mr. Hall’s death sentence or
otherwise put into effect the Commission’s recommendations made in
Report Nº 48/01. With regard to Case 12.086, Brian Schroeter and
Jeronimo Bowleg, the Petitioners wrote to the Commission and informed
it that they were currently attempting to verify which, if any, of the
recommendations contained in Report Nº 48/01, has been complied with
by the State. Based on these considerations, the IACHR presumes that
the Government of The Bahamas has not complied with the Commission's
12.051 - Report Nº 54/01, Maria da Penha Maia Fernandes (Brazil)
In Report Nº
54/01 of April 16, 2001, the IACHR made the following recommendations
to the Brazilian State:
Complete, rapidly and effectively, criminal proceedings against
the person responsible for the assault and attempted murder of Mrs.
Maria da Penha Fernandes Maia.
In addition, conduct a serious, impartial, and exhaustive
investigation to determine responsibility for the irregularities or
unwarranted delays that prevented rapid and effective prosecution of
the perpetrator, and implement the appropriate administrative,
legislative, and judicial measures.
Adopt, without prejudice to possible civil proceedings against
the perpetrator, the measures necessary for the State to grant the
victim appropriate symbolic and actual compensation for the violence
established herein, in particular for its failure to provide rapid and
effective remedies, for the impunity that has surrounded the case for
more than 15 years, and for making it impossible, as a result of that
delay, to institute timely proceedings for redress and compensation in
the civil sphere.
Continue and expand the reform process that will put an end to
the condoning by the State of domestic violence against women in
Brazil and discrimination in the handling thereof.
In particular, the Commission recommends:
a. Measures to train and raise the awareness of officials of the
judiciary and specialized police so that they may understand the
importance of not condoning domestic violence.
b. The simplification of criminal judicial proceedings so that the
time taken for proceedings can be reduced, without affecting the
rights and guarantees related to due process.
c. The establishment of mechanisms that serve as alternatives to
judicial mechanisms, which resolve domestic conflict in a prompt and
effective manner and create awareness regarding its serious nature and
associated criminal consequences.
d. An increase in the number of special police stations to address
the rights of women and to provide them with the special resources
needed for the effective processing and investigation of all
complaints related to domestic violence, as well as resources and
assistance from the Office of the Public Prosecutor in preparing their
judicial reports.
e. The inclusion in teaching curriculums of units aimed at
providing an understanding of the importance of respecting women and
their rights recognized in the Convention of Belém do Pará, as well
as the handling of domestic conflict.
f. The provision of information to the Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights within sixty days of transmission of this report to
the State, and of a report on steps taken to implement these
recommendations, for the purposes set forth in Article 51(1) of the
American Convention.
The Brazilian
State reported to the Commission, at a working meeting held during the
116th regular session, on the ongoing trial of the perpetrator of the
assault and attempted homicide referred to in recommendation 1 above.
The Commission was then informed that the judgment had been executed
and the perpetrator had received a prison sentence. The other
recommendations are still pending full compliance.
11.286 and others - Report Nº 55/01, Aluísio Cavalcanti et
al. (Brazil)
In Report Nº
55/01 of April 16, 2001, the IACHR made the following recommendations
to the Brazilian State:
That it carry out a serious, impartial, and effective
investigation into the facts and circumstances of the deaths of
Aluísio Cavalcanti, Clarival Xavier Coutrim, Delton Gomes da Mota,
Marcos de Assis Ruben, and Wanderlei Galati, and of the assaults on
and attempted homicides of Cláudio Aparecido de Moraes, Celso Bonfim
de Lima, Marcos Almeida Ferreira, and Carlos Eduardo Gomes Ribeiro,
and that it duly prosecute and punish the persons responsible.
That such investigation include the possible omissions,
negligence, and obstructions of justice that may have resulted from
the failure to convict the persons responsible in a final judgment,
including the possible negligence and mistakes of the Public
Prosecutor’s Office and of the members of the judiciary who may have
decided to waive or reduce the corresponding sentences.
That the necessary measures be taken to conclude, as soon as
possible and in the most absolute legality, the judicial and
administrative proceedings regarding the persons involved in the
above-noted violations.
That the Brazilian State makes reparation for the consequences
of the violations of the rights of the victims and their families or
those who hold the right for the harm suffered, described in this
That the necessary measures be taken to abolish the
jurisdiction of the military justice system over criminal offenses
committed by police against civilians, as proposed by the original
bill, introduced in due course, to repeal Article 9(f) of the Military
Criminal Code, and to approve, to take its place, the single paragraph
proposed in that bill 27.
That the Brazilian State take measures to establish a system of
external and internal supervision of the military police of São Paulo
that is independent, impartial, and effective.
That the Brazilian State present the Commission, within 60 days
of transmittal of this report, a report on compliance with the
recommendations, for the purpose of applying the provision at Article
51(1) of the American Convention.
Brazilian State submitted no information on compliance with the
recommendations of the IACHR transcribed above. Furthermore, the
Commission has no information from other sources on compliance with
the recommendations and therefore presumes that the State is
noncompliant. The IACHR has also been informed that the military
justice system continues to have jurisdiction in matters such as the
one at hand, therefore compliance with its recommendation remains
11.771 - Report Nº 61/01, Samuel Alfonso Catalán Lincoleo (Chile)
On April 16,
2001, the IACHR made the following recommendations to the Chilean
Establish responsibility for the murder of Samuel Alfonso
Catalán Lincoleo by due process of law, so that the guilty may be
duly punished.
Adapt its domestic legislation to the provisions of the
American Convention, in such a way as to leave Decree-Law N°
2191 of 1978 without effect.
To take the steps necessary for the members of the victim’s
family to receive adequate and timely compensation, including full
reparations for the human rights violations described herein as well
as payment of fair compensation for physical and nonphysical damages,
including moral damages.
State of Chile presented information regarding compliance with the
recommendations of the IACHR transcribed above.
With respect to recommendation 1, the State claimed that an
open investigation existed to clarify the death of Mr. Catalán
Lincoleo and that it was at the prosecutorial stage.
With respect to recommendation 2, he State reiterated its
arguments concerning the impossibility of derogating Decree Law 2.191
of 1978. Finally,
concerning recommendation 3, the State indicated that the famiy of
Samuel Catalán in reality are receiving state pensions and
scholarships and have received necessary health assistance as
stipulated by law 19.123, compensation that the Commission pronounced
in its merits report in the presente case.
The State also claimed that the family, unlike others, had not
tried to receive additional compensation by way of a civil action.
the other hand, the Commission received information from the
petitioner indicating that the State had not complied with any of the
three recommendations made by the Commission.
11.654 - Report Nº 62/01, Río Frío Massacre (Colombia)
On April 6,
2001 the IACHR issued Report Nº 62/01 on Case 11.654 concerning the
Rio Frío massacre. At that time, the Commission made three
recommendations. Its first recommendation was to “conduct an
impartial and effective investigation in ordinary jurisdiction with a
view to prosecuting and punishing those materially and intellectually
responsible for the massacre.”
In that regard, the State (Note
DDH 47170 from the Department of Human Rights and International
Humanitarian Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dated December
16, 2002) reiterated that the military justice system had passed
final judgment in the matter and that it was “standard domestic
procedure” to submit the case to that jurisdiction. It also noted
that there was a special appeal pending before the Supreme Court of
final instance, which had been filed by the petitioners, in which they
allege that the Superior Council of the Judiciary had disregarded the
scope of the decision by the Constitutional Court of August 5, 1997
when it referred to case to military criminal jurisdiction. It must be
concluded, therefore, that no progress has been made in compliance
with this recommendation as no investigation has been carried out
within ordinary jurisdiction.
Secondly, the
IACHR recommended that the State “take such steps as are necessary
to ensure that the families of the victims are duly compensated.”
The State reported that the Committee of Ministers had taken a
decision on May 3, 2002 in favor of providing the corresponding
compensation to the families of the victims under Law 288/96.
However, neither the amount nor the payment of the
corresponding compensation has been determined, resulting in no actual
compliance with this recommendation, since the families of the victims
have received no compensation.
The third
recommendation was to “take the necessary steps to prevent any
future occurrence of similar events in accordance with its duty to
prevent and to guarantee the basic rights recognized in the American
Convention as well as the necessary measures to give full force and
effect to the doctrine developed by the Constitutional Court of
Colombia and by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in
investigating and prosecuting similar cases through the ordinary
criminal justice system.” In that connection, the State
presented information on past legislative reforms, objectives,
training programs, and strategies. The measures cited have been and
will continue to be evaluated in the general reports of the IACHR and
by the Commission as it exercises the various functions it must
perform under the Convention and its statutes.
11.710 - Report Nº 63/01, Carlos Manuel Prada González and Evelio
Antonio Bolaño Castro (Colombia)
On April 6,
2001, the IACHR issued Report Nº 63/01 on Case 11.710 concerning the
extrajudicial execution of Carlos Manuel Prada González and Evelio
Antonio Bolaño Castro, and made three recommendations. Its first
recommendation was to “carry out a full, impartial, and effective
investigation within the ordinary jurisdiction with a view to judging
and punishing those responsible for the extrajudicial execution of
Carlos Manuel Prada and Evelio Antonio Bolaño Castro.” The State (Note
DDH 47160 from the Department of Human Rights and International
Humanitarian Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dated December
16, 2002) indicated that, in light of the decision of the court of
second instance of military criminal justice, which absolved the state
officers involved in the facts of the case, the rules of domestic law
would prevent the trial of a new case in the ordinary courts. It can
therefore be concluded that there has been no progress toward
compliance with this recommendation as no investigation in ordinary
jurisdiction has taken place.
second recommendation was to “adopt the measures necessary to ensure
that the victims’ next-of-kin receive adequate and timely
reparations for the violations determined in the Report.” The State
reported that the Committee of Ministers had decided on May 3, 2002 in
favor of offering the corresponding compensation to the families of
the victims under Law 288/96. However,
neither the amount nor the payment of the corresponding compensation
has been determined; therefore there has been no effective compliance
with this recommendation.
The third
recommendation was to “adopt measures necessary to fully apply the
case law developed by the Colombian Constitutional Court and by this
Commission with respect to the investigation and adjudication of
similar cases in the ordinary criminal justice system.” In that
connection, the State presented information on past legislative
reforms, objectives, training programs, and strategies. The measures
cited have been and will continue to be evaluated in the general
reports of the IACHR and by the Commission as it exercises its various
functions under the Convention and its statutes.
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