... continued
General objective of Area: Strengthen
national institutions (human rights offices of different ministries, and of
defenders of the people, attorney general’s office, organs that oversee the
security forces, judicial branch, schools of law, training schools for the
armed forces and security forces, legal defense and human rights agencies,
etc.) and their members, on general subjects of human rights and of procedures
for resolving judicial and
extrajudicial conflicts at the domestic and international level.
Program for horizontal cooperation in strengthening national
program for horizontal cooperation on human rights
(New activity)
Executing organ: OAS
Fellowships Department, with technical advice from the IACHR.
Characteristics: Program
of exchange between national organizations, for training or assistance.
For example, the Human Rights Commission or similar institutions and a
particular country could fund internships for officials of other national
commissions or similar institution and in this way different institutions
could offer or request that cooperation through the existing mechanism of
horizontal cooperation at OAS.
Funding: Requires special
funding, by the entities participating in the exchange (whether as sponsor or
as recipient).
b. Activities
for training and strengthening of national human rights institutions (New
Executing organ: Tentatively
the IIHR, with the concurrence of III and CIM.
To be defined according to the interest of the countries and the
abilities of the executing institutions.
In principle, it could contain different projects:
Training in investigation techniques on individual cases or issues, at
both the national and international level.
Training in specific subject areas of human rights: indigenous rights,
gender rights, rights of minorities.
Operation and funding: If
agreed upon by IIHR, it would become part of its system of programming and of
requesting countries' participation. On
this basis, a working plan and priorities would be developed, as well as
seeking funds for financing it.
In this respect, CIM, together with two agencies (one from the United
Nations, the other being the Center for Criminal Policy and Penal Reform) will
promote a project for judicial training schools.
The project's objective will be to develop courses for those schools,
aimed at strengthening respect for human rights and contributing to the
prevention and eradication of violence against women.
Funding: Will require
special funding.
IIHR program of courses and seminars to strengthen national
a. Annual
Inter-American meeting for government experts
(New activity)
Executing organ: On a
rotating basis, one of the National Human Rights Councils (or similar entity)
of the participant countries, under the sponsorship of the IACHR.
Objective: Foster exchange
of initiatives on human rights issues between the delegates of governmental
entities directly responsible for promoting and disseminating information
about human rights in each of the countries.
The meeting will allow for disseminating information about various
promotional projects that the states are developing, and provide ample
opportunity to develop new types of cooperation among the participants.
The meeting could become a forum in which the various projects to
promote human rights are presented, for the purpose of debating their
advantages, drawbacks, and results, with a view to identifying which projects
are most effective in promoting respect for and defense of human rights, so
that they can also be developed in other countries in the region.
Funding: Will require
special funding.
b. Annual
IIHR interdisciplinary course
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
The first Interdisciplinary Course on Human Rights was conducted three
years after the institute was created, in 1983, and has come to represent the
main forum of this type in Latin America.
After it was held, and after confirming the interest of Latin Americans
in participating, the necessity was seen for making the course an annual and
permanent activity of IIHR, with a view to promoting human rights through the
various organizations that work in this field, an initiative that has come to
be IIHR's most important one.
With this aim, the course was designed to identify certain needs of the
region related to the promotion of human rights, make possible the exchange of
experiences among the participants, make known the work carried out by IIHR in
this field, and establish cooperative links among the former students of
IIHR's interdisciplinary courses, in order to facilitate the development of
national programs.
The general objectives of the course are:
To promote the doctrine of human rights in the American hemisphere,
with the aim of supporting democratic processes in the region through a unique
interdisciplinary and intersectoral setting.
To collaborate on the consolidation of democracy in Latin America
through education on human rights.
To strengthen Latin American civil society, training its
representatives and promoting links between them and the IIHR.
The activity plans to train 120 persons who in turn become, in a
multiplicative way, agents. Thus, elements of gender, proportionality in terms
of the different sectors of society, as well as profession, the region the
person comes from, and work area, are taken into account. As a result of this, representatives from government
institutions, nongovernmental organizations, international organizations,
universities, officials from the judicial branch, members from the area of
women, indigenous peoples, handicapped, human rights activists, and educators
are chosen.
The course lasts two weeks, and methodologies such as conferences,
round tables, workshops, case studies, areas of special emphasis, and optional
activities, are used.
In the course of its fifteen consecutive runnings, 1782 people have
been trained, and the demand keeps increasing.
In 1997, 868 applications were received, among which 112 participants
were selected.
Funding: Regular IIHR
budget and special contributions.
c. Specialized
regional courses on human rights
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
As a way of channeling the large number of applications received for
the interdisciplinary course, it was thought necessary to set up an annual specialized regional course which would have
the same objectives as the interdisciplinary course, but emphasizing the needs
of the region of Latin America being dealt with.
Starting with the first specialized course on human rights, there has
been invaluable support from the European Commission.
This first activity was conducted in Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, in
1993, for the Andes region. It
included participants from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.
In 1994, the second specialized course was conducted for participants
from the Southern Cone, i.e., Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, with
headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
For 1995, the specialized regional course was devoted entirely to
Brazil, for two basic reasons: first,
because of the size of the country, in order to allow participants from the
various regions to attend, and from the two distinct sectors of the society;
and second, for language reasons. The
proposal was welcomed by the University of Brasilia and the Brazilian Ministry
of Justice, who were counterparts in the project. Other institutions that
supported the development of the course were:
the International Committee of the Red Cross, the United Nations High
Commission for Refugees, the Organization of American States, the National
Council for Scientific and Technological Development, and the Attorney
General's Office of the Republic.
In 1996, the course was devoted to the countries of Mexico and Central
America, which make up a region united both historically and culturally.
On this occasion, the offer to act as headquarters for the activity was
extended to all of the countries involved, but it was Guatemala that responded
quickest and most enthusiastically in welcoming the project.
At the same time, the special political situation of the country was a
determining factor in carrying out the course.
In 1998, two were held: one
in Barbados, the fifth regional seminar for the English-speaking Caribbean
(June); and the second specialized regional course on human rights for the
Andes region to be held in Caracas in November.
The course lasts for one week, and methodologies such as conferences,
round tables, workshops, case studies, areas of special emphasis, and optional
activities, are used.
Funding: It is executed
with regular funds from the IIHR budget and outside contributions.
d. Administration
of justice and human rights
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: To train
officials of the judicial branch and from other agencies in the incorporation
and enforcement of human rights in the administration of justice.
Characteristics: Seminars,
workshops, and other training activities in the field of administration of
justice. Officials from the judicial branch or from other agencies
dealing with the incorporation and practice of human rights in judicial
activities are trained. These
meetings take place at various times during the year in different countries of
Latin America, such as Argentina, Honduras, and Mexico.
Among the activities carried out during 1998, are the following:
International forum on access to justice. (second half of the year)
Courses on enforcement of human rights in the domestic realm.
Seminar on the judicial career. (Nicaragua) (May)
Seminar on Organic law, judicial branch (Nicaragua) (April-June)
Funding: institutional
funds and outside support.
e. Ombudsmen
and human rights
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: To train
officials in Latin American Offices of the defenders of the people and Offices
of the Prosecutor for Human Rights, on human rights and on international
protection instruments.
Characteristics: Through
various activities held in different places on the continent during the year,
officials of offices of the defenders of the people and of offices of the
Prosecutor for Human Rights will be trained on the topic of human rights, from
various perspectives, so that they can utilize the knowledge in their daily
Among other activities, the following can be cited:
Ombudsman course at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. (March 9-17)
III General Assembly of the Ibero-American Federation of Ombudsmen.
II Inter-American course on Parliamentary Commissioners and Human
Rights. (September)
Initiation courses for officials of the offices of the defenders of the
people, implemented recently. (November)
Funding: IIHR's regular
f. Workshop
on human rights and legal guarantees
(New activity)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Promote, with
a group of select members of the Commission on Constitutional and Juridical
Affairs, of the Popular Power National Assembly in Cuba, a debate on the
various options offered by comparative constitutional practice in Latin
America as concerns legal human rights guarantees.
Characteristics: The
Office of Investigation and Development is responsible for this activity, and
it falls within a broader plan aimed at promoting and strengthening human
rights in Cuba. It will be conducted in the month of September.
Funding: institutional and
other funds.
g. Inter-American
course, civil society and human rights
(New activity)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Make available
to organizations in the private sector working in the area of promoting and
protecting human rights, a place for exchanging experiences, academic
updating, and fostering relationships of mutual collaboration.
Characteristics: This is
an activity designed to train members of organizations in the private sector
on various issues related to human rights, with the intention of reinforcing
the work they are carrying out in this area.
In addition, it aims to conduct workshops for exchange of experiences
in which the participants can enhance their work through the work carried out
by others, as well as foster cooperation and coordination among the agencies
they represent.
Funding: institutional and
other funds.
internship program
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Program of internships lasting six months or one year, for students
from different disciplines of the social sciences involved in the study and
development of human rights: law,
psychology, sociology, political science, among others.
IIHR is in charge of selection, based on applications submitted by
students, who must be backed by funding from an academic organization or an
organization connected with the practice of human rights.
Number of internships: Maximum
of 5 per year.
Funding: Financed within
the regular budget of IIHR
Strengthening program on issues related to women's rights
a. CIM
Seminars on strengthening of national entities on "legal aspects of the
fight against domestic violence"
(New activity)
Executing organ: CIM
To be carried out in the countries that are not signatories to the
Convention of Belém do Pará, and in those that have not sanctioned domestic
violence laws. These would be
advanced-level seminars and would be aimed at legislators, judges, medical and
police personnel, with the aim of making them aware of the problem, the need
for appropriate legislation, and support services for victims of domestic
Funding: Requires special
b. CIM
program for journalists on the role of women in today's society
(New activity)
Executing organ: CIM
Objective: Orientation
program on issues of gender for journalists and leaders of the media, to
hasten cultural change with regard to the role and function of women, and to
prevent the spread of reprehensible practices and gender stereotypes.
Funding: Requires special
c. Strengthening
of national institutions regarding the nature of the impact of
migration on the human rights of women
(New activity)
Executing organ: CIM
Objective: Put into
practice the project outline developed by UNESCO, CIM, and the International
Migration Institute, in order to measure the effect of migrations on women in
different regions, so as to be able to confront their negative consequences,
especially those resulting from the consequences of armed conflict.
Funding: Requires special
d. Additional
protocol. Working Document. Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination
against Women
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Offer
information, analytical rigor, and juridical basis to those who are within the
systems of protection, governmental women's offices, and women's organizations
in the Caribbean and Latin America. By
the same token, the working document aims to serve as a useful and effective
tool in the hands of our countries' diplomatic offices, which should
participate in developing the Additional protocol of the Convention on the
Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women, which will soon be
presented for consideration by the General Assembly.
Characteristics: Document
that provides information on the background of the debate and approval process
for a preliminary draft of the Additional Protocol and some strategies to
assure an effective commitment on the part of all sectors involved in the
ratification and approval of this document.
Published in March, containing 182 pages.
Funding: Institutional
e. Gender
and Human Rights
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: To train women
in the field of education, promotion, and mechanisms for the protection of
human rights, through the production of training materials or activities.
Characteristics: During
the year, IIHR's Program for Gender and Human Rights has organized a
series of regional and national activities, such as seminars and training
workshops, with the goal of promotion and education in human rights for
various women's groups. Also,
production and distribution of educational material aimed at women from
various sectors and work areas has been proposed.
Funding: institutional and
other funds.
Program on human rights in the armed forces and security forces
a. Security
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Introduce the
issue of human rights as an integral part of the education of members of the
security forces, through production of materials and conducting of training
activities and technical assistance.
Characteristics: During
1998, IIHR has planned various activities aimed at introducing the topic of
respect for human rights in the daily activity of the security forces.
For this purpose, different work methodologies have been designed,
ranging from the publication of materials to technical assistance and
developing of training forums.
Funding: IIDH's regular
Program on freedom of speech
a. Meeting
on freedom of speech and responsibility of the media
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Bring together
professional journalists, jurists, and politicians, to debate the promotion of
more modern rules for protecting freedom of speech in the Americas, including
adapting professionally to the rule in article 13 of the Convention.
It also includes topics such as the interference of journalism in the
functioning of the justice system and that of other state institutions.
Three seminars have been conducted in 1997 in Cartagena, Santa Cruz de
la Sierra, and Antigua, Guatemala. It
is anticipated that three more will be conducted in the biennium 98-99.
Funding: Requires partial
funding of new activities for the biennium 98-99.
b. Seminars
on free speech
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Promote
freedom in the responsible practice of the media as an essential condition of
the right to freedom of speech.
Characteristics: It will
be held in the second half of 1998, and among the topics to be discussed will
be revision of legislation on freedom of speech and information.
In addition, technical advice will be given to the Inter-American Press
Society (SIP), for the revision of the declaration of Chapultepec on freedom
of the press.
Funding: institutional
funds and support from other funding sources.
c. Promotional
activities on freedom of speech
(New activity)
Executing organ: IACHR
Objectives: Conduct
courses, workshops, conferences, and seminars on freedom of speech and of the
press in the Americas, and methods of protection.
Funding: Requires
additional funding.
Program for electoral consultation and promotion
Electoral consultation and promotion
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Strengthen
development of the election process in Latin America and the Caribbean,
through training and technical assistance for officials of electoral agencies
and others related to this area.
Characteristics: The IIHR,
through the Center for Electoral Consultation and Promotion (CAPEL), has a
broad program of activities throughout Latin America and the Caribbean,
ranging from technical assistance to conducting training courses and seminars
on election issues and issues of human rights.
In addition, this initiative aims to foster exchange and cooperation
between the different electoral organizations of the continent.
Among the activities which have been planned for this year are:
Second Ibero-American Seminar on Freedom of Speech. (April)
Seminar on the System for the Election of Deputies. (April)
XII Conference on the Protocol of Tikal
Parliamentary Computer Network Seminar. (June)
VII Conference on the Protocol of Quito. (August)
IV conference of the Union of Electoral Organizations. (December)
In addition, observation missions in Costa Rica, Paraguay, Ecuador,
Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic have been conducted or
will be conducted.
Funding: IIHR's regular
Program on prison systems and human rights
a. Prevention
and treatment for victims of torture: Seminars
about the prison systems in Central America
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Promote
scrutiny and reform of the prison systems, from a human rights perspective.
Characteristics: Training
and advice for those connected with the prison systems, with the aim of
promoting reform that is in line with international instruments and domestic
legislation on human rights. During
1998, work in this field will focus on Central America, through regional and
national activities.
Funding: institutional and
other funds.
IIHR publications and dissemination program
publications and dissemination program on human rights
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objective: Produce
publications on special human rights topics, and distribute information on
mechanisms, rules, activities, and doctrinal materials.
IIHR regularly produces, publishes, and distributes publications (see
appendix) for different populations.
Funding: Regular IIHR
budget and special contributions.
b. Network
for exchange and electronic dissemination of information on economic, social,
and cultural rights.
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objective: IIHR has
maintained its own web page since 1997 in order to serve as a stimulus and as
a network for NGOs throughout the continent on economic, social, and cultural
rights and their treatment by international financial institutions, and
related topics.
Funding: Regular IIHR
budget and special contributions.
General objective of this Area: Courses
aimed essentially at the most vulnerable sectors of the population, and at
creating a culture of respect for human rights, tolerance, and democracy in
the overall population.
project for university education on human rights
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
The IIHR has begun a technical assistance project for certain
universities in Latin America which are incorporating human rights in their
academic programs. Specifically,
a general cooperation agreement has been signed with the Universidad Rafael
Landivar, in Guatemala, by which collaboration is taking place in the
implementing of their Masters in Human Rights, to begin in June of 1998.
Funding: The IIHR activity
with the Universidad R. Landivar has funding.
Expanding this line of projects would require special funding.
b. UPD
program for education in human rights
(New activity, approved by the Permanent Council)
Executing organ: UPD (is
an area of its working plan approved by the Permanent Council.)
Objective: Intended to
expand citizens' ability to assert their rights.
CIM, with the collaboration of the UPD, can promote the holding of
conferences on the full and equal participation of women.
Funding: Requires
additional funds. In its working
plan for 1998, approved by the Permanent Council, the UPD envisions
developing, in 1998, in collaboration with the IACHR, this program for which
it is proposed that outside funds be sought.
G/ CP/doc.2995/97 p.6).
Program to incorporate human rights in the practices and curricula
of formal national educational systems. (Expansion
of a program currently in execution by IIHR and other agencies)
Executing organ: IIHR,
with the potential cooperation of other institutions.
The IIHR has agreements with Ministries of Education in several
countries, through which it advises in the design of human rights curricula,
in order to incorporate the subject in study plans at the primary and
secondary school level, and it collaborates in the same vein with teachers'
associations. Through its
Educational Resource Center (CRE), it generates teaching materials and guides
for their use by teachers; these have been adopted by the educational
authorities in several countries. This
part of the program relies on there being interest on the part of the
countries, in accordance with their specific commitments.
In this program, plans and projects can be structured for improving
curricula, training teachers, and developing related techniques and materials.
There already exist in the region many initiatives of this type, both
on the part of National Ministries and of institutions and experts.
the IIHR has, during 1997, been active in stimulating the compiling of
and debate on these initiatives at the "Conference Exhibition on
Education in Human Rights" held in Costa Rica in December of 1997.
In this area, the IIHR has planned the following activities for 1998:
Technical assistance in education on human rights in Central America.
Forum on education in human rights for Guatemala.
Project on education, human rights, and democracy for Central America.
Seminar on education in human rights in Venezuela.
Session on the rights of children in Peru and Guatemala.
Evaluation of Programs on education in human rights in Nicaragua.
Project on education, human rights, and democracy for Peru.
Project for education, human rights, and democracy for Mexico.
Project for education, human rights, and democracy for Chile, Paraguay,
and Uruguay.
Publication and validation of UNESCO's manual of education in human
Publication and validation of the CRE portfolio of teaching materials.
Argentine version.
United Nations Decade for Education project.
Funding: The activities
already planned by IIHR have funding. Special
funding is required to expand their scope according to demand by the
d. Indigenous
peoples and human rights
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objectives: Carry out
activities and national and regional meetings with the aim of training
indigenous participants on human rights issues, as well as on domestic and
international instruments and mechanisms of protection.
In addition, promote and strengthen their political participation and
the development of juridical standards.
Characteristics: Training
activities designed to meet the particular needs of the indigenous peoples in
different countries. They also
seek to foster respect for the human rights of these peoples.
During 1998, special attention will be given to the case of Guatemala,
with activities that will be conducted during May, June, and October.
Funding: institutional and
other funds.
e. Migrant
populations affected by violence
(In execution)
Executing organ: IIHR
Objective: Study
concentrations of migrant populations, observance of their human rights, and
the situation with regard to citizen safety and crime.
Characteristics: Series of
studies providing means to identify the main problems of migrant populations. In particular, the migrant experiences of women will be
analyzed, as a form of survival strategy in the face of systematic human
rights violations. The result of
these studies will be of great importance for future initiatives for research,
education, and prevention in this field.
Funding: institutional
funds and other sources of financing.
f. Inter-American
monograph competition
(New activity)
Executing organ: To be
Objectives: Organize a
monograph competition open to all those interested, the topic being the
importance of human rights in the building of a peaceful and democratic
society. (Proposal of the
government of Peru).
Funding: Would require
special funding.
g. Competition
for postgraduate grants in the specialized field of human rights.
(New activity)
Executing organ: OAS
Department of Grants
Competition for grants to carry out postgraduate studies in the
specialized field of human rights and, in particular, financial support for
research and editing of doctoral dissertations in the field of human rights. Persons receiving grants or some type of financial support
through this competition could be required to commit themselves to presenting
the results of their research at various congresses and conferences organized
under this program, as a condition of the grant. (Proposal of the government of Peru.)
Funding: Would require
special funding.
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American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, 1st Preamble
and art. XXIX.
American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man.
Considering 3.
World Conference on Human Rights, Final Declaration, par. 12, 13, and
Vienna, 1993, (A. Conf.157/24 Part I. 1993), Declaration on the
Rights of the Child I-25; American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment,
and Eradication of Violence Against Women.
cf. World Conference on Human Rights, Final Declaration, I-5, Vienna,
Summit of the Americas.
Declaration of Principles , Miami, 1994.
cf. World Conference on Human Rights, Final Declaration, I-10 and
I-11, Vienna, 1993.
cf. World Conference on Human Rights, Final Declaration, par. 8,
Vienna, 1996, and Proposed American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples, Preamble, 4; Annual Report 1996 IACHR.
cf. Proposed American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples, Art. 1.
Annual Report 1996 IACHR.
cf. Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and
Eradication of Violence Against Women, 3rd. Preamble.
OAS 1994.
cf. Declaration on the Rights of the Child.
Principle 2. U.N. 1959.
cf. World Conference on Human Rights, Final Declaration, I-27,
Vienna, 1993.
cf. World Conference on Human Rights, Final Declaration, I-33,
Vienna, 1993.
The Inter-American Commission, together with other OAS organs, in
particular the Inter-American Juridical Committee and the CIM, have played a
central role in the preparation of the main instruments of the
inter-American system (i.e., the American Convention on Human Rights,
itself, and its Protocols, the Conventions on Torture and on Forced
Disappearances of Persons, on Violence Against Women, the Proposed
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, etc.). |