1. The
human rights situation in Guatemala has undergone a fundamental and
significant transformation since the December 29, 1996 signing of the
Agreement for a Firm and Lasting Peace between the Government and the
Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (URNG) that concluded 36 years of
internal armed conflict. The
termination of that conflict brought about an essential condition for advances
in favor of the consolidation of peace and democracy, and protection for human
rights. The Commission recognizes, supports and encourages the
positive initiatives that are being adopted and implemented.
2. The
Commission understands that consolidating peace and developing a culture of
respect for human rights are evolutionary processes, requiring the
implementation and reinforcement of the corresponding practices and
institutions. In this regard,
there is broad agreement that much remains to be done to reform or replace
existing structures, and to develop additional safeguards for the protection
of individual rights and freedoms. In
particular, public concern continues to mount with respect to criminal
violence and the measures being taken to respond to rising crime rates.
These concerns are directly related to the central issues addressed in
the Accord on Strengthening Civil Power and Defining the Role of the Military
in a Democratic Society: reforming the police force and establishing a new
equilibrium between civil society and the military. The serious limitations on the ability of the police, Public
Ministry and judiciary to administer justice efficiently and effectively, and
the reported persistence of impunity for perpetrators of human rights
violations remain fundamental problems.
3. It
is in the light of the transformation taking place in Guatemala that the
Commission presents the following observations under the criteria of reporting
on countries in situations of transition.
Pursuant to the invitation issued by the Government of Guatemala, the
Commission will visit that country in mid-1998 in order to carry out an on
site observation of the situation of human rights in the country.
In December of 1997, the Government provided the Commission with
information on the evolution of the situation of human rights in Guatemala
during the year, to which the Commission has made reference in the present
report. The present report covers
the period from early 1997 to early 1998, coinciding with the first year of
implementation of the Peace Accords, and previews some of the issues the
Commission will focus on during the course of its visit in Guatemala.
On March 6, 1998, pursuant to article 63 h of its Regulations, the
Commission sent a copy of the report to the State of Guatemala, requesting
that it provide whatever observations it deemed pertinent within the period of
one month. By a note dated April
6, 1998, the State of Guatemala presented its observations on the present
information was considered by the members of the Commission on April 7, 1998,
when it approved the present report.
4. The
situation of human rights in Guatemala has changed in essential ways pursuant
to the termination of the internal armed conflict. The country is no longer subject to the practice by state
agents of systematic disappearances, massacres and torture that the Commission
reported on for many years during the conflict. The violations of the past are now being investigated by the
Commission for the Historical Clarification of the Truth (CEH), and a number
of relevant cases are pending before the domestic courts.
The IACHR is continuing to receive and process denunciations concerning
that period according to its procedures.
The Commission hopes that the parties to the peace agreements and the
members of civil society able to do so provide the information the CEH
requires to be able to comply with its mandate.
The parties to the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights committed
themselves "[t]o take firm action against impunity."
Establishing the truth about past human rights violations is clearly an
essential element in the fight against impunity.
5. The
Commission notes with encouragement that the number of reported human rights
violations diminished over the last year.
In its report on the first half of the year, the United Nations
Verification Mission in Guatemala (MINUGUA) indicated that the number of
denunciations received had declined substantially in comparison with prior
reporting periods. The Mission
also indicated a decline in the number of violations attributable to state
agents. Over the last year, the
Commission too has received significantly fewer petitions concerning
6. With
respect to the right to life, during the first six months of 1997, MINUGUA
verified 19 extrajudicial executions, sixteen of which dated to the previous
period. The Mission was in the
process of investigating nine cases of torture, one of which had already been
verified, and eight cases of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, six of
which had already been verified. A
high number of complaints of excessive use of force, 508, had been verified,
the vast majority of which related to a June 5, 1997 police operation in San
Pedro Saquetepequéz. MINUGUA
expressed concern generally with respect to the failure of the State to
fulfill its obligation to investigate, prosecute and punish those responsible
for unlawful acts: "the impunity phenomenon goes beyond the framework of
the courts in scope and complexity and is becoming a factor influencing both
individual and group behavior, thus undermining the rule of law to a degree
proportionate to the absence of the state in the region concerned."
Commission will receive information on these issues during its on site visit.
7. The
Commission values highly the impact of the peace agreements, and the opening
and development of new political spaces in the country.
The Commission recognizes the importance of the opportunities for
dialogue and engagement that have been established in the first and second
stages of compliance, and encourages all the sectors involved in the various
commissions and other activities in their efforts in favor of implementation
of the accords.
8. The
Peace Accords set forth commitments to reform various structures and practices
through which power is exercised in Guatemala.
The human rights accord, which entered into force in March of 1994,
provides for, inter alia, action to strengthen mechanisms of
protection, a commitment against impunity, a pledge against the existence of
illegal security forces and clandestine structures, an undertaking to regulate
the carrying of arms, guarantees for freedom of association and movement,
protection for persons who work in the field of human rights, and reparations
and assistance to the victims of human rights violations.
The undertakings as a whole provide a framework for establishing the
conditions necessary for the consolidation of peace and enhancing the
observance of human rights.
9. Reports
from various sectors reflect that important advances have been realized.
Pursuant to the signing of the Peace Accords, the demobilization of
URNG combatants was completed between March 3 and May 3, 1997.
The Government began measures to reduce the size of its armed forces by
33%, a process it expected to complete by the end of 1997.
The Government has informed the Commission that, "in accordance
with the Peace Accords, the National Defense General Staff completed the
reduction of the Guatemalan Army as follows: `50,160 members minus 37.35% =
31,423.' Further, MINUGUA
indicates in relation to the dissolution of the Ambulatory Military Police
that `this process concluded on December 15, 1997 with the demobilization of
1,370 members.'"
On May
15, 1997, the Executive presented a set of proposals for constitutional reform
to the Congress for its study. According
to the information provided to the Commission, the National Reconciliation Law
adopted at the close of 1996 has, to date, been applied narrowly.
The Government has reported that the national courts have denied
petitions seeking to "extinguish criminal responsibility for those
responsible for the murder of north american citizen Michael Devine, the
military agents accused of ordering the murder of Myrna Mack, and those
accused in the case of Jorge Carpio. ...[P]etitions
seeking to extinguish criminal responsibility have only been granted to six
members of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity."
10. A
multitude of commissions called for in specific accords have been established
to begin formulating proposals and measures of implementation.
To date, these commissions have been a vehicle for broadening the
participation of civil society in political processes.
The Commission looks forward to receiving information concerning the
extent to which the recommendations and proposals of these commissions are
taken into account.
11. The
restructuring of the police and military forces, and the reconfiguration of
their mandates and roles are pivotal issues in the implementation of the
accords. The Civil/Military
Accord referred to above commits to a separation of police and military
functions, with the former responsible for internal security, and the latter
responsible for the defense of national territory and sovereignty.
Reports indicate grave concern with respect to the role of the Estado
Mayor Presidencial. While the
accord requires that the Estado Mayor Presidencial be replaced by an entity
limited to guarding the president, it does not stipulate when that transition
is to take place.
12. The
role of the police has become a critical consideration in light of the
escalation in violent crime affecting Guatemala. According to governmental sources, there are a number of
structural causes for the increased criminal activity, including the dearth of
law enforcement and judicial authorities in extensive rural areas, the large
number of firearms in circulation, the strengthening of organized crime due to
a climate of impunity, and other institutional weaknesses.
The Commission has heard many complaints that the police are unable
and/or unwilling to investigate crimes. This
has been attributed to a lack of training, a shortage of human and material
resources, alleged corruption in the ranks, and other institutional
13. The
Government has initiated measures to identify and address deficiencies within
the policing system. The
Civil/Military Accord calls for a substantial enlargement of the police force,
with provisions concerning hiring, training, and an increase in material
resources. The transition to the
new National Civilian Police has been initiated, pursuant to Congressional
approval of Decree 11-97 on February 4, 1997.
A number of specific concerns have been identified with respect to this
process, including reports of deficiencies in screening and training
candidates; in particular, that the pressure to step up measures to counter
crime has led to the recycling of members of the National Police and former
members of the military into the new force without adequate
"re-training." The Government has indicated "that some irregularities
in relation to the selection of personnel have been detected and corrected
through dismissals and administrative and judicial sanctions."
The Commission will investigate these matters during its in loco
14. Given
the institutional weaknesses of the police, the urgent demands of violent
crime, and heightened public concern, the authorities have deployed members of
the armed forces in certain anti-crime capacities. In April of 1997, military troops began patrolling the
streets of Guatemala City, assisting the police in monitoring high-crime
areas. While the Commission
recognizes the seriousness of the problem of criminality, as a general matter,
it has expressed concern with respect to the use of the armed forces to fight
crime, as this signifies deploying troops trained for combat in situations
requiring personnel trained for civilian law enforcement.
In the present context in Guatemala, this raises specific concerns,
given the priority need to establish clear and distinct roles for the police
and the military, the need to redefine the relationship between the
institutions, and the need to consolidate the subordination of the military to
civilian authority.
15. Under
the Accord on Socioeconomic Aspects and the Agrarian Situation, the State is
committed to measures to address poverty and social inequality, including, inter
alia, action to encourage economic growth, and to increase tax revenues
from 8% of GDP (among the lowest rates in the hemisphere) to 12% by the year
2000. The Accord calls for
increased public expenditures on health, particularly with respect to primary
education and illiteracy, and additional spending on education, including
measures to reduce infant and maternal mortality.
16. The
World Bank reports that the vast majority of the population is poor, with 58%
living in extreme poverty.
reported in 1997 indicate that the 20% of the population with the lowest
income received a 2.1% share of income or consumption while the 20% with the
highest income received a 63% share.
reports reflect some gains in certain indicators of development.
According to data collected between 1990 and 1995/96, 57% of the
population had access to health services, up from 34% (reported on the basis
of data from 1985-95). 64% of the
population had access to safe water, up from 62%, and the population with
access to measures of sanitation remained relatively stable at 59%.
malnutrition remains a serious problem, with only modest gains in reducing the
percentage of underweight children under 5 years of age in recent years.
infant mortality rate (to 1994) was 45 per 1000 live births, and the
under-five mortality rate (to 1995) was 67 per 1000 live births.
17. The
Economic and Social Program of the Government sets forth a strategy to
increase growth and reduce poverty. Reports
indicate that the economy grew by approximately 4% during 1997.
Government reported that steps have been taken with respect to tax policy,
including the adoption of certain legislative reforms, and the initiation of a
review of the principal taxes with a view to harmonizing legislation with what
is established in the accords and with the national reality.
In terms of health, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance
initiated a new program of health supervision, and a plan to enhance integral
health services. Developments in
terms of infrastructure included expanding and repairing six health centers
and 4 health posts, and building ten centers and 14 posts.
The Government reported action taken in 1997 to increase access to
education, including through the construction of 788 schools and the repairing
of 35 others in six departments of the country.
Other measures included the establishment of mechanisms for communal
participation in the appointment of teachers, and continued efforts to counter
18. Reports
suggest that, with the signing of the final agreement and the opening of new
political spaces, the deficiencies in the institutions and systems charged
with the administration of justice have become more apparent.
Given the central role of the judiciary in safeguarding individual
rights, and given the imperative that individuals have access to effective
judicial guarantees, strengthening the judicial system is of paramount
19. Systemic
deficiencies currently affect the administration of justice at every level.
police are, according to reports received, widely perceived to be unable or,
in many cases, unwilling to investigate crime and carry out arrest orders.
The Public Ministry is characterized as suffering from a lack of
adequate trained personnel; unable or unwilling to investigate in the
processes under its charge; and failing to take measures or of taking them
only after prolonged delay. Cases
pending before the judiciary are entangled in interminable processing,
individuals in many rural areas do not enjoy effective access to a judicial
authority because of the inadequate number of courts, and members of the
population who speak a Mayan language often do not have the assistance of
interpreters during proceedings conducted in Spanish.
Those involved in judicial proceedings--witnesses, prosecutors and
judges--may be subject to intimidation, or may be influenced by corruption
within the system. Reports
indicate that the majority of criminal defendants require the services of a
public defender. Serious concerns
have been expressed about the capacity of the public defenders' office to
provide an adequate defense given that it is under-resourced and severely
20. The
State itself acknowledges the existence of problems related to delay in the
judicial system, and has begun some initiatives to address this.
Draft legislation has been drawn up with respect to the judicial career
and strengthening the Judicial Organ. Further,
the number of courts in the capital and interior are being progressively
augmented, and the Supreme Court decided to raise the salaries of judges.
A number of training activities were carried out in 1997 within the
Public Ministry, and MINUGUA has been working with the Government in order to
strengthen the public defenders' service.
A judicial administration center was inaugurated in Nebaj, making
available services of the Public Ministry, judiciary and police.
The creation of additional centers is reportedly under study.
The Commission has received information about other measures the State
is pursuing, and will analyze the advances and remaining challenges during its
in loco visit.
21. As
noted above, the number of reported violations of the right to life, and to be
free from torture declined in 1997. In
addition to the figures reported by MINUGUA, cited above, the Office of the
Ombudsman for Human Rights reported receiving 66 complaints of possible
extrajudicial executions during the first half of 1997, in contrast to 173
such complaints during the whole of 1996.
It is important to note that not all complaints necessarily lead to the
opening of an investigation.
22. With
respect to the phenomena of disappearances, MINUGUA admitted three cases
during the first half of 1997. In
one case, the Mission established that no violation had occurred, and the
other two were being verified. With
respect to the disappearance of Juan José Cabreras (“Mincho”), which took
place in October of 1996, but came to light in early 1997, the Mission
reported receiving evidence implicating a secret and unauthorized unit within
the Estado Mayor Presidencial. The
Mission reported that the Public Ministry had not done all that was possible
to investigate the matter, and had not received full cooperation from the
23. The
Commission has received information about threats and attacks against
indigenous and campesino leaders, unionists, students, and community
and political leaders, as well as witnesses, lawyers and judges.
Reports indicate that a number of prosecutors and investigators working
on cases have been subjected to threats and intimidation.
These alleged acts of intimidation and death threats give rise to
serious concern. The Commission
is currently monitoring the application of precautionary measures in six
instances of alleged intimidation and/or attacks.
Further, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has maintained orders
for provisional measures in two cases pending before the Commission, and
ordered the adoption of measures in a third case in favor of individuals
involved in a case under the Court's contentious jurisdiction.
At the same time, the Commission wishes to note that the Inter-American
Court lifted the provisional measures it had ordered in the cases of Pastors
Serech and Saquic, and Father Vogt in September and November, respectively.
24. The
lack of confidence in the ability of the State to investigate and prosecute
crime and protect the citizenry is manifesting itself in lynchings, mob
attacks, and, in some cases, community vigilantism. Media sources report lynchings and/or attempted lynchings on
a regular basis, with an average of at least several a month.
Reports have described mob scenes of hundreds of people converging on a
suspected delinquent. Victims of
these summary executions have been beaten, hanged, shot and burned.
25. The
Commission has received reports of the possible existence of activities of
"social cleansing." The
Commission attributes the highest gravity to these themes, and will
investigate these reports during its upcoming on site visit.
The Death Penalty and Article 4 of the American Convention
26. The
Commission continues to monitor the potential application of the death penalty
with respect to crimes for which it was not provided as a penalty at the time
Guatemala became a State Party to the American Convention.
Pursuant to legislative decrees 38-94, 14-95 and 81-96, that penalty
had been extended to apply, not only with respect to kidnappings which
resulted in the death of the victim (the law in effect at the time of
ratification), but also to kidnapping which did not result in the victim's
27. Article
4.2 of the American Convention provides that, in countries that have not
abolished the death penalty, it shall not be extended to crimes to which it
did not apply at the time of ratification.
The Commission referred in its last report to the noteworthy judgment
of the Ninth Chamber of the Court of Appeals of January 30, 1997, commuting
three death sentences to noncommutable sentences of 50 years on the basis of
the requirements of domestic law including the State's obligations pursuant to
Article 4 of the American Convention. The
Commission has received information that the Court of First Criminal Instance,
Narcoactivity and Crimes against the Environment of the Department of Santa
Rosa, Cuilapa issued a similar decision on May 8, 1997, in the case of
Guillermo López Contreras, having determined that, under the terms of the
applicable legal regime, the court could not legally impose the death penalty
for a crime for which that punishment was not prescribed at the time of
Convention ratification. The
Commission recognizes and values such decisions which properly respect and
reflect the international human rights obligations which the State has
28. Apart
from the question of the expansion of the application of the death penalty,
the Commission recalls that, on November 18 and 24, 1997, and February 9,
1998, it addressed the State of Guatemala in relation to the case of Manuel
Martínez Coronado (Case 11.834) for the purpose of requesting precautionary
measures to stay his pending execution.
The Commission had opened case 11.834 in October of 1997, and requested
the measures so as to be able to examine the claims raised according to its
procedures. In a note of November
20, 1997, the State indicated that all domestic remedies had been invoked and
exhausted, and that its judicial system did not contemplate the legal
faculties to adopt such measures
to stay an execution at that stage of the process. This position was subsequently reiterated by the State.
Manuel Martínez was executed by lethal injection (the first in
Guatemala) at 6:00 a.m. on February 10, 1998.
29. Requests
for special measures are framed in terms of the competence of the IACHR to act
on petitions, under Article 41.f of the Convention, and to request
precautionary measures when necessary to avoid irreparable harm to persons,
under Article 29 of its Regulations. Such
measures enable the Commission to maintain the efficacy of its
Convention-mandated responsibility of examining and pronouncing upon
individual cases. It is,
moreover, a general principle of international law that states are required to
comply with their international obligations in good faith, and that internal
law (including deficiencies therein) may not be invoked to evade such
compliance. Every member state of
the inter-American human rights system is obliged to give effect to its norms;
accordingly, the Commission finds the response of the State in this matter to
be in breach of that duty.
30. While
on the one hand the Commission continues to receive complaints that the police
are unwilling or unable to effectuate arrest orders in some cases, on the
other hand arbitrary arrests continue to be an issue. While noting that this number represented a decline, MINUGUA
admitted 27 complaints concerning the right to liberty during the first six
months of 1997.
31. The
countries of Central America, with the exception of Costa Rica, share a high
index of persons in preventive detention in relation to those who have been
convicted. Available figures
indicate that as many as three quarters of those in detention in Guatemala
have yet to be tried and sentenced. This
generally leads to overcrowding, tension, and other problems within the prison
32. The
Government has reported that draft reforms are under study by the Congress to
reform legislation concerning the penitentiary system.
These would include the creation of new detention centers including
juridical, psychiatric, social work and medical offices.
There have also been proposals to rebuild the four existing penal
33. As is
the case in many countries in the region, the prison system currently lacks
sufficient human and material resources.
The Commission has received reports that some detention centers lack
basic safety measures such as fire extinguishes, lighting, and instructions
for moving detainees in case of emergency.
Among other things, reports indicate that many centers have structural
deficiencies, are not properly maintained, and do not meet minimum health and
hygiene standards. The Commission
looks forward to receiving specific information and updates on the progress of
measures to improve the system.
34. Within
the context of the new political spaces which have emerged pursuant to the
signing of the Final Accords, the Commission has noted with satisfaction a
significant expansion in the freedom of expression. In particular, the communications media reflect a wide range
of views and opinions, including coverage of politics and criticism of
official action and policies.
35. However,
daily papers including Prensa Libre, Siglo Veintiuno and el
Periódico, the weekly Crónica, and various other media sources
have responded sharply to what they term pressure or reprisals for publishing
articles which are critical or unflattering to the Government.
The communications media complain that the Executive is using economic
pressure as a form of reprisal, by having official entities and companies
close to it withdraw advertising from those papers.
Coverage in recent months has included heated rhetoric from both the
press and the Government.
36. The
Inter American Press Association (SIP) reported the April 1997 discovery of
the body of journalist Pedro Pérez Rosales, who had worked for a radio
station and disappeared after participating in a demonstration, and the fatal
shooting of Jorge Luis Marroquín, editor of Sol Chortí and Deputy
Secretary General of the PAN, in June of 1997.
November, Siglo Veintiuno sports reporter Víctor Manuel Medina went
into exile in Canada after receiving death threats.
On December 10, journalist Israel Hernández Marroquín, editor at the
weekly Inforpress Centroamericana and professor at San Carlos
University, was shot and killed. The
precise circumstances of these crimes have yet to be clarified.
In its Seventh Report, MINUGUA indicated that it was investigating an
incident of threats and aggression by two armed individuals against Oscar
Granados Ara, President of the Unión de Cronistas Parlamentarios and founder
of the Unidad de Prensa (which coordinates 13 press associations).
report recalled that, on August 1, 1997, during the inauguration of the
Association's hemispheric conference "Unpunished Crimes against
Journalists," President Arzú promised to order an investigation of the
murders of journalists in Guatemala.
37. With
the end of the internal armed conflict, many unresolved conflicts over land
have come to the forefront. A
substantial number of occupations of land have taken place, related to labor
and/or land disputes. The accords
provide for certain mechanisms to address conflicts over land.
In 1997, the State created the Land Fund and its executing unit, and
the Presidential Dependency of Legal Assistance and Resolution of Land
Conflicts (CONTIERRA). The latter
is to provide free legal assistance to campesinos and agricultural
workers when requested, and to intervene in controversies to find just and
equitable solutions. The
Government reported that CONTIERRA had intervened in some 120 matters.
38. The
Commission has received reports concerning evictions that have included the
use of force, and information suggesting that the resolution of land conflicts
is not always handled through the appropriate legal means with full access to
judicial guarantees for all parties. The
Commission will examine these reports and their implications for human rights
during its visit to Guatemala.
39. The
Agreement on the Identity and Rights of Indigenous Peoples is based on the
recognition of the multi-ethnic, multicultural and multilingual nature of the
Guatemala nation, and commits to action to address de jure and de
facto discrimination against the indigenous majority of the population.
The agreement calls for initiatives to combat discrimination, to
reinforce the capacity of State institutions to protect the rights of this
sector, and to strengthen indigenous institutions and instances of indigenous
participation and decision-making. It
also calls for constitutional reforms to recognize: the identity of the Mayan,
Garífuna and Xinca peoples within the unity of the nation; the multi-ethnic,
multicultural and multilingual character of the State; and indigenous
languages and spirituality.
40. The
Government reports that legislative reforms are currently under study by the
Congress, and that three of the commissions called for in the accord have been
established with participation by members of the relevant indigenous sectors
and the Government. Some steps
have been taken to improve access to education in primarily indigenous zones.
However, reports continue to reflect that a large percentage of
indigenous children still do not have access to an adequate primary and
secondary education. The indices
of access between indigenous and nonindigenous children continue to show
marked disparities, as do the indices of literacy, child malnutrition and
infant mortality.
41. In its
report on Guatemala of April of 1997, the UN Committee on the Elimination of
Racial Discrimination expressed concern that racial discrimination and
incitement to such discrimination are still not prohibited within the
legislation of Guatemala.
It also
expressed concern that, notwithstanding governmental efforts,
the problem of the allocation of land and/or compensation continues,
especially with respect to the return of lands to the indigenous peoples after
the end of the armed conflict. Of
special concern are confrontations arising over the ownership of property, in
the course of which indigenous peoples have been detained and threatened.
Committee also drew attention to the fact that members of the indigenous
population remain underrepresented in the public service and public life of
the nation, particularly in the judiciary and within the administration of
42. With
respect to the administration of justice, the unavailability of adequate
interpretation between Mayan languages and Spanish in the judicial system has
been cited as a serious continuing problem.
Given that judicial processes are conducted almost exclusively in
Spanish (although exceptions are beginning to emerge), the insufficient
availability and/or training of interpreters places defendants who don't speak
Spanish, or for whom it may be a second language, at risk.
It also means witnesses may not be able to adequately present their
testimony, and that complainants may not be adequately heard before the court.
While some steps are being taken to address this deficiency, it
continues to place the rights of many indigenous
inhabitants at risk, and constitutes a serious obstacle to the proper
functioning of the administration of justice for all.
43. The
process of implementing the Peace Accords includes a number of initiatives in
favor of advancing the rights of women and their role in national life.
In November of 1997, the National Women's Forum was established.
The delegates are working on four principal areas: project development;
social development with an emphasis on education and health; political/civic
participation; and legislative reforms. Among other things, the accords call
for the Government to promote legislation defining sexual harassment as a
crime, and for electoral law reforms. The
Commission has taken due note of the number of areas where gender perspective
has been incorporated in Government programs and policies, including
initiatives to promote the participation of women in the police and armed
forces, and encourages the further development of such efforts.
44. Advances
in representation are being pursued and realized; however, women remain
severely underrepresented in public life.
According to Government reports, of the 494 judges indicated according
to different categories, 93 are women. According
to the "Synthesis of the Situation of Guatemalan Women" prepared by
the Secretariat of Social Work of the Wife of the President, 3 of the 28
Ministers, Viceministers and Secretaries of State of the Cabinet are women; 3
of the 330 municipal mayors are women; and 13 of the 80 members of the
Legislature are women. It may be
noted that the Congress is currently presided over by a woman.
45. The
Commission has received reports that the legislature is currently studying a
draft law on the integral promotion of women.
Early indications suggest this is a positive initiative, and the
Commission looks forward to receiving additional information.
At the same time, other initiatives have not advanced.
The Government itself has noted that the Civil Code of Guatemala sets
forth certain distinctions between the rights and responsibilities of women
and men. While the legislature has studied several proposals to reform
such provisions, concrete action has yet to be taken.
46. The
new Code of Childhood and Youth, adopted in 1996 to bring national legislation
into harmony with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, has yet to
enter into force, Congress having approved a six month suspension of its
initiation in October of 1997. The
Code is now scheduled to enter into force on March 27, 1998.
The Commission values legislative advances to better protect children,
and to effectuate the obligation of states parties to the Convention on the
Rights of the Child, such as Guatemala, to ensure that the best interests of
the child serve as the guiding principle in taking decisions that affect them.
Accordingly, the Commission looks forward to the entry into force of
these measures intended to provide integral protection for children, and
encourages their prompt and full implementation.
47. New
code provisions include the right for children to have state appointed defense
counsel and to be heard in legal proceedings, and prohibits holding minors
placed in protective custody in juvenile detention facilities.
Concerns have been expressed with respect to the current lack of state
counsel for juveniles in the criminal justice system, insufficient separation
of the very young from older juveniles in detention, and a lack of State
oversight with respect to conditions of juvenile detention.
Reports indicate that children who have not committed criminal
offenses, i.e. runaways, abandoned and homeless children, may be dealt with by
incarceration in the juvenile justice system.
48. The
Commission has paid special attention to the situation of street children in
Guatemala, and is aware of the extraordinary hardships faced by the many
children orphaned during the armed conflict, and the high percentage of minors
required to work at an early age to survive.
In a recent report, the nongovernmental organization Casa Alianza
reported on six particular cases from 1997.
involved severe beatings meted out by private security police, one involved an
alleged arbitrary and illegal detention and beating by a police officer, and
the others involved murder, and in some cases torture, by unidentified
individuals. With respect to each case, Casa Alianza reported that the
authorities had failed to carry out a prompt and thorough investigation in
order to identify and prosecute those responsible.
49. The
interinstitutional Permanent Commission for Attention to Children and Youth
coordinated by COPREDEH incorporates the participation of the police, Attorney
General's Office, the judiciary's Coordinating Magistracy of Minors, the
Secretariat of Social Welfare of the Presidency, and the nongovernmental
organization Casa Alianza. It
addresses issues concerning the rights of street children, particularly the
rights to life and personal integrity, and follows up on cases of violations
against such children. The
Government reported that in 1997, that Commission had attended to a total of
117 cases.
50. The
Agreement for the Resettlement of Uprooted Populations provides a framework
for the return and integration of, inter alia, refugees, returnees,
internally displaced persons, and popular resistance groups to their places of
origin or other locations of their choice in Guatemala.
According to the Government, during 1997, "3,603 refugees returned
to Guatemalan territory, making a total of 36,559 returnees from 1986 to
1997." The Government
reported that it was in the process of negotiations with 19 blocks of
refugees, representing approximately 2,600 families, with the expectation of
their return before mid-1998. An
accord was signed between CEAR, FONAPAZ and SEPAZ and representatives of
returnee groups to arrange terms for the final phase of return for those still
in Mexico. According to the
Government, approximately 29,000 persons remain in refugee camps in Mexico (of
whom approximately 15,000 were born in Mexico).
The principal objective of that agreement was to finalize the
integration of blocks of refugees in order to proceed to negotiations for the
purchase of farms that will permit their return.
51. In
view of the Commission's impending on site visit to Guatemala, the present
report is limited to preliminary observations on the advances realized and
challenges which remain. The
reports of various sectors coincide in reflecting basic compliance with the
terms of the Peace Accords during phases one and two.
The promotion and protection of human rights has been a theme of
fundamental importance in both the negotiation and implementation of the
accords, and the present situation in Guatemala underlines the importance of
continuing to move forward with implementation in full compliance with the
letter and spirit of those accords.
52. It is
in this sense that recent reports raise some important questions regarding the
prioritization of concrete action to effectuate reforms in favor of the
observance of human rights. The
Commission looks forward to receiving additional information during its visit
on initiatives to assure the continued funding of the process to implement the
accords, to secure the prompt reform of pertinent legislation, and to
strengthen the administration of justice and enhance access to effective
judicial protection. The
Commission considers it essential that approaches to the public security
crisis be developed which are sustainable, and meet the right and duty of the
State to provide protection to the population while respecting and
consolidating the distinct roles of the security forces and their
subordination to civilian control, in a manner consistent with the letter and
spirit of the accords. Finally,
the Commission thanks the Government of President Arzú for the information
provided which will assist it in its functions, and reiterates its
appreciation for the invitation to carry out an in loco visit during
this year.
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Regulation 63.h states that the incorporation of information
presented by the Government will be discretionary with the Commission:
"The content of the report and the decision to publish it will be
within the exclusive competence of the Commission."
As noted in the Commission's report of last year, the so-called
Voluntary Civil Defense Committees were demobilized during the latter half
of 1996.
World Bank, Guatemala --
Investing for Peace: A Public Investment Review, Ch. III, para. 3.1
(1997). Data from 1981-1995
indicates that 53.3% of the population lived on the equivalent of less than
1$ per day. World
Bank, World Development Report 1997, table 1.
See, Preliminary Overview of the Economy of Latin America
and the Caribbean, 1997, cited in "Latin America Weekly
Report," Jan. 6, 1998, p. 4.
See generally, "Justicia Miserable", Crónica,
27 de junio de 1997, p. 19-23 (including observations of various judges).
See MINUGUA Communique, May 20, 1997; Communique of the
Government, May 21, 1997; Seventh Report, paras. 28-31.
"Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of
Racial Discrimination," CERD/C/304/Add.21 (Eng.), 23 April 1997, paras.
15-16. |